
Showing posts from January, 2020

New Year's Resolution

During this time of the year, we are surrounded by tones of life-changing resolutions and strong purposefulness overly shared everywhere from our everyday life to social media platforms. This yearly ritual adopted by many can be a poisonous pill for some of us.  For me, I believe that creating a list of resolutions is a great method to keep one's focus and determination but it is not the only method as it may work for some and ruin some others. A resolutions list is one of the most adopted approach to help people concentrate in order to achieve their goals and improve their skills and their lifestyle. This means that having a list of your intentions written and within reach will always remind you of your intial intent. Furthermore, resolutions lists are a great fuel when one start feeling discouraged as it helps keep you in track to move forward towards your goals. I personally believe that the resolutions list method is a great method but it is also one of the source of st