New Year's Resolution

During this time of the year, we are surrounded by tones of life-changing resolutions and strong purposefulness overly shared everywhere from our everyday life to social media platforms. This yearly ritual adopted by many can be a poisonous pill for some of us. For me, I believe that creating a list of resolutions is a great method to keep one's focus and determination but it is not the only method as it may work for some and ruin some others.

A resolutions list is one of the most adopted approach to help people concentrate in order to achieve their goals and improve their skills and their lifestyle. This means that having a list of your intentions written and within reach will always remind you of your intial intent. Furthermore, resolutions lists are a great fuel when one start feeling discouraged as it helps keep you in track to move forward towards your goals.
I personally believe that the resolutions list method is a great method but it is also one of the source of stress and pressure to a number of people. Some people write down lists that don't usually match their personalities, their realities and their talents which results in them trapped in a mold that doesn't fit them and then increase their feeling of stress, pressure, and underachievement.

To illustrate this idea, I would like to refer to my own experience as I have been writing resolutions lists for a few years now and I have been struggling each year  trying to achieve those resolutions but with no results and just recently I realized that I have been putting together lists that gather everyone's expections from me without taking in consideration my own expectations, my own strenghts and my own weakness which made it impossible to achieve those resulotions and this brought out strong feelings of underachievement, guilt and stress.

Creating a list of resolutions may be a booster to one's motivation and help them reach new highs in their lifes but it is important to keep in mind that this is not the one and only  method that can improve your focus  and that it is not  the right method for everyone.           

For this year, I decided that I won't be making a list of resolutions. I think that my biggest wish for 2020 is to be happier and healthier both body and mind. I decided on a few small targets that I will be trying to reach with no pressure at all. I also created new standards to my life where nobody else's sense of peace and happiness is more important than mine. 
I am going to make this year all about treasuring myself and I do believe that everyone should do the same because we are worth more than just a new year's resolution written in a new notebook.  

Happy New Year !! 


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